The World After: Where is the Money? The industry we currently run has been dominated by marketing for decades. The market is saturated with high quality items that are all rather similar.The only deciding factor on price was the brand. This means marketing took the lead and determined our markets. Corona lockdowns have turned us into stubborn consumers, and the game of marketing has now changed. The stubborn consumer wants an inherent value to their product, something that makes it valuable other than the name of the label. Sometimes being unique can be the deciding factor between fame or obscurity. In an industry filled with straight towers, the leaning one will get all the attention. Listen to the podcast and understand what it means for your strategies, R&D and marketing For more information, see
Gemaakt door: The Lady in Blu Eerste aflevering: 04-09-2022
De podcast The Lady in Blu heeft in totaal 21 afleveringen
Maker: The Lady in Blu Datum: 30-07-2021
Maker: The Lady in Blu Datum: 04-11-2021
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