The Lady in Blu podcast

The Lady in Blu

The World After: Where is the Money? The big bang of corona has changed the world, and it will never be the same. A new decade on the timeline, a different DNA. The Lady in Blu shows her vision on various topics and explains how society is going to change. Through her expertise and understanding of the future she shows what strategies there are to take, in order to be profitable in the new world. What concepts and products will hit the market in the future? The Lady in Blu will predict them for you. For more information see @theladyinblu on instagram and

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 4-9-2022 01:11:28
  • Maker: The Lady in Blu
  • Taal: nl-nl
  • Laatste RSS update: 22-2-2025 11:55:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 14-4-2021 16:22:41
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 30-6-2022 19:40:14


21 Afleveringen

  • 00:16:53

    Price, design, functionality have, and quality have a new competitor: Pollution. All product factors will play second fiddle to pollution in the consumer’s mind. When products have no significant differences, like most products in today’ ...

  • 00:23:26

    Prijs, design, functionaliteit, en kwaliteit hebben een nieuwe concurrent: Vervuiling. Alle factoren van het product staan voor de consument op de tweede rang tot de vervuiling. Wanneer producten geen significante verschillen hebben, zoa ...

  • 00:25:29

    Repairing fashion becomes the norm and even appreciated. What are the opportunities for the fashion industry to tap into Re-Pair Fashion? In this podcast The Lady in Blu gives insight in why Re-Pair Fashion becomes fashionable and what the ...

  • 00:30:28

    Re-Pair Fashion wordt in de nabije toekomst normaal en zelfs gewaardeerd. Hoe kan de fashion industrie inspringen op Re-Pair Fashion? In deze podcast geeft The Lady in Blu inzicht in de ontwikkeling Re-Pair Fashion en geeft ze voorbeelden ...

  • 00:14:27

    The World After: Where is the Money? The industry we currently run has been dominated by marketing for decades. The market is saturated with high quality items that are all rather similar.The only deciding factor on price was the brand. Th ...

  • 00:14:24

    The World After: Where is the Money? De industrie, wordt al jaren gedomineerd door marketing. De markt was vol met producten van hoge kwaliteit die allemaal op elkaar leken. De enige beslissende factor voor de prijs was het merk gepushed d ...

  • 00:14:10

    The World After, Where is the money? The future is the future. Every time period has its own DNA. If the future does not adhere to your personal vision, or your company’s vision, you may feel powerless or willing to change it, but this is ...

  • 00:23:29

    The World After: Where is the Money? Face the future, juist als je hem niet kan accepteren. ToekomstIge trends die je niet kan accepteren zijn vaak de dingen waar je juist mee aan de slag moet, de ontwikkelingen die je business in de weg z ...

  • 00:21:16

    The World After: Where is the Money? The future trend of 'Cool to be Old'. Why is this happening, and what does it mean for businesses both internally and externally. Listen to the possibilities and impossibilities that result from this tr ...

  • 00:24:40

    The World After: Where is the Money? De toekomstige trend 'Cool to be Old'. Waarom gebeurt dit en wat betekent het voor bedrijven intern en extern. Luister nu naar de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden die resulteren vanuit deze toekomstige ...


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