Our guest this week is Daniel Zarrilli, the Chief Climate Policy Advisor of New York City. Daniel worked on the Green New Deal, which should prepare New York City for the consequences of climate change. This coastal city faced its vulnerabilities during Hurricane Sandy. This event was a turning point for the climate policy and resulted in a more future-oriented approach in which they critically looked at what climate-related events are coming and how to prepare. Together with Daniel, we talk about the importance of both climate and social resilience in order to tackle future challenges. Different questions are discussed, such as; What is the importance of a strong democracy for the fights against climate change? And what lessons learned should be shared with other mayors?
Gemaakt door: AMS Institute & Municipality of Amsterdam Eerste aflevering: 29-03-2022
De podcast Mayor's Manual Podcast heeft in totaal 69 afleveringen
Maker: AMS Institute & Municipality of Amsterdam Datum: 09-04-2021
Maker: AMS Institute & Municipality of Amsterdam Datum: 23-04-2021
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