Our guests this week are Melina Scholefield and Tim van Hattum. Melina is the Green Infrastructure Implementation manager for the City of Vancouver. She and her team are leading the City’s ambitious Rain City Strategy, a cross-departmental green rainwater infrastructure and urban rainwater management initiative. Tim van Hattum is the Green Climate Solutions program leader at Wageningen University & Research. He and his team created a map of the Netherlands in 2120 based on the narrative of large scale implementation of nature-based solutions. We have a conversation about the importance of revaluing rainwater as a resource, the implementation proces of nature-based solutions and how this can be visualized to the public. We discuss different questions, such as: How can innovations like nature-based solutions be linked to personal values and traditions and what challenges arise when implementing these solutions? Listen in this week to learn about nature-based solutions and how we can scale up their implementation. Learn more about the Vancouver Rain City Strategy here and see for yourself how green the Netherlands can look 2120 here!
Gemaakt door: AMS Institute & Municipality of Amsterdam Eerste aflevering: 29-03-2022
De podcast Mayor's Manual Podcast heeft in totaal 69 afleveringen
Maker: AMS Institute & Municipality of Amsterdam Datum: 16-04-2021
Maker: AMS Institute & Municipality of Amsterdam Datum: 30-04-2021
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