Dutch News podcast

Het nieuws in Nederland ligt op straat. Je vindt het ontzettend gemakkelijk. Bij de kranten, of bij de landelijke, regionale of lokale omroep. Maar al dat nieuws is wel in het Nederlands. Niet ideaal voor mensen die maar tijdelijk in ons land verblijven en geen Nederlands kunnen, of mensen die nog beginnen aan de Nederlandse taal. Deze mensen willen toch kunnen meepraten en mee kunnen doen aan onze maatschappij. Speciaal voor hen is er de podcast ‘Dutch News’: het Nederlandse nieuws, maar dan in het Engels. Ook een prima manier om als Nederlander je Engels een beetje bij te spijkeren. Zo werkt de podcast twee kanten op!

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 11-9-2020 06:47:04
  • Maker: Dutch News
  • Taal: en
  • Laatste RSS update: 13-6-2022 15:45:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 24-1-2017 09:47:19
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 10-6-2022 13:12:34


241 Afleveringen

  • 45:18

    There's an end of days feel to the podcast as we review a week in which schoolchildren took a collective day off to demand urgent action on global warming, just days after MPs agreed to talk about it for a bit longer. We also look at why a ...

  • 41:41

    It's a high-stakes edition of the podcast as political parties are banned from receiving foreign donations, the government sees an €8 million Rubens painting go west and cyclists face €95 fines for using mobile phones. In sport, physiothera ...

  • 36:55

    Dirty money and clean air are the hot topics on this week's podcast as the government is warned it won't meet the targets for CO2 emissions in the Urgenda ruling, while coming under pressure to tighten its fiscal rules to stop tax money flo ...

  • 42:16

    It may be winter outside, but there's been plenty to get hot under the collar about on the news front this week. Amsterdam's most infamous neighbourhood gets a less than clean bill of health, party leaders turn up the heat on the climate ch ...

  • 49:36

    The podcast returns after the Christmas holidays to blaze a trail through the opening week of the year. We ask why a 48-metre bonfire on a beach on a windy night surprised the authorities by setting things on fire, whether internationals ar ...

  • 51:27

    Our last podcast of the year features a helter-skelter game of red cards, own goals and penalties that ultimately changed nothing, while away from the Brexit negotiations Ajax qualified for the next round of the Champions League. We ask why ...

  • 44:53

    As a round-the-clock deportation-busting church service draws the attention of the world's media, Amsterdam calls time on the giant letters outside the Rijksmuseum, Dick Advocaat causes some ophef when he gets a time out in the referee's ro ...

  • 45:02

    The past looms large in this week's podcast as rail operator NS agrees to compensate Holocaust victims who were transported on its trains. Amsterdam's mayor comes under pressure to enforce the so-called burka ban, there's a run on contracep ...

  • 42:39

    Things fall apart in this week's podcast as we update you on the increasingly bitter Zwarte Piet debate, plans to deal with a no-deal Brexit, the dispute over the 30% ruling and an electoral boycott triggered by a missing hyphen. Thankfully ...

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