Aflevering The Whistling Dixit Edition - Week 6 - 2019

· Aflevering van de podcast: Dutch News

There's an end of days feel to the podcast as we review a week in which schoolchildren took a collective day off to demand urgent action on global warming, just days after MPs agreed to talk about it for a bit longer. We also look at why a no-deal Brexit could trigger medicine shortages in the Netherlands, a setback for British expats and Dutch shoemakers and perhaps the most alarming news of all – is Dick Lawyer really about to pull out of football management?

Dutch News

Dutch News

Gemaakt door: Dutch News Eerste aflevering: 11-09-2020

De podcast Dutch News heeft in totaal 241 afleveringen

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The Whistling Dixit Edition - Week 6 - 2019

Dutch News · 08-02-2019

00:00 45:18