Dutch News podcast

Het nieuws in Nederland ligt op straat. Je vindt het ontzettend gemakkelijk. Bij de kranten, of bij de landelijke, regionale of lokale omroep. Maar al dat nieuws is wel in het Nederlands. Niet ideaal voor mensen die maar tijdelijk in ons land verblijven en geen Nederlands kunnen, of mensen die nog beginnen aan de Nederlandse taal. Deze mensen willen toch kunnen meepraten en mee kunnen doen aan onze maatschappij. Speciaal voor hen is er de podcast ‘Dutch News’: het Nederlandse nieuws, maar dan in het Engels. Ook een prima manier om als Nederlander je Engels een beetje bij te spijkeren. Zo werkt de podcast twee kanten op!

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 11-9-2020 06:47:04
  • Maker: Dutch News
  • Taal: en
  • Laatste RSS update: 13-6-2022 15:45:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 24-1-2017 09:47:19
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 10-6-2022 13:12:34


241 Afleveringen

  • 43:13

    In a week dominated by dodgy deals, Molly and Paul look at the implications of the Brexit breakthrough for UK nationals in the Netherlands, find out how a cinema chain lost €19 million in an internet scam and explain why Dutch language test ...

  • 55:54

    The regular podcast team returns to discuss whether nuclear power will kill us faster than global warming, why there's been a rash of births among sports stars and whether filming at accident scenes should be banned. We also bring you up to ...

  • 23:24

    The Dutch News podcast this week moves to Amsterdam, ditches Gordon and Paul, and introduces a whole new cast of characters. Senay Boztas and Deborah Nicholls-Lee join Molly to talk about the latest in the story about an electric wagon make ...

  • 38:28

    While King Willem-Alexander spiced up a royal banquet this week by mentioning Brexit and the last successful invasion of England in the same dinner speech, back in the Netherlands more recent ghosts loomed large as the government faced call ...

  • 41:11

    Fireworks and firearms are to the fore in this week's podcast as we rake over the ashes of Rutte's dividend tax debacle, find out how police blew open a suspected terrorist cell in Arnhem, and reveal how Amsterdam plans to make New Year a l ...

  • 47:55

    It's been a week of departures as D66 leader Alexander Pechtold handed over the reins to Rob Jetten, Mark Rutte pulled the plug on his dividend tax plan, Unilever rowed back from Rotterdam and the Zwarte Piet motorway blockers had to leave ...

  • 46:00

    It's been a week of comings and goings after Russian spies were ejected from The Hague, Pim Fortuyn's assassin was allowed to emigrate, and Zwarte Piet got a last-minute reprieve. Ajax returned from Germany with a point in the Champions Lea ...

  • 38:24

    Partnerships made the headlines this week as Sigrid Kaag answered Rihanna's call to invest in education, Mark Rutte called on the UN to secure justice for the victims of the MH17 disaster and new fathers were given more time off work to spe ...

  • 44:50

    In this week's podcast we bring you the latest news on the tragic accident in Brabant that cost four young children their lives. As it was budget day we analyse the government's financial plans, including controversial measures on the divid ...

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