I had the honour of interviewing Phil Jeremiah IV who takes provocative coaching to a complete different level... Imagine a naughty nepphew of Frank farrelly who can't help but sing during coaching sessions... He's also the inventor of 'the Bubble of Possibility' From 34' - 46' he does his magic with me as his client! Want to learn more on Provocative coaching (in dutch)? Check this: https://www.bewezeneffect.nl/effectief-coachen-met-humor-warmte-en-uitdaging/ https://www.bewezeneffect.nl/provocatief-coachen-light/
Gemaakt door: Sergio van der Pluijm Eerste aflevering: 08-09-2022
De podcast Coachen 3.0 heeft in totaal 50 afleveringen
Maker: Sergio van der Pluijm Datum: 06-05-2023
Maker: Sergio van der Pluijm Datum: 06-05-2023
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