Techlab podcast Techlab

In this podcast we share our experience with you to learn and entertain. Showing you our approach to IT, e-commerce and retail tech platforms. We are looking into the things that we’re enthusiastic about that are happening here at As always, we have a bunch of ideas to share… This is how we do IT! Topics in the episodes vary from: - tech oriented, for instance the introduction of new programming languages - business-tech oriented, for instance the way we apply data science in retail challenges - way of working in tech, cultural aspects and agility

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 6-12-2019 22:14:51
  • Maker: Techlab
  • Taal: en_US
  • Laatste RSS update: 5-5-2022 13:51:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 1-5-2019 08:21:52
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 4-4-2022 16:01:35


83 Afleveringen

  • 29:58

    As podcast makers, we are very happy that we can talk about a subject that is very close to ours. In this episode, we talk about one of the recent product launches. The launch of audiobooks. Besides the already existing “all you can read su ...

  • 26:50

    This is a special episode of the Techlab Podcast. It’s recorded on at our own Tech Conference the spaces summit. Directly after Jim gave his presentation about ‘scary close to fully autonomous teams at Onefootball’ we interv ...

  • 31:21

    Three years ago, a group of enthusiastic engineers gathered together during the Friday drinks. They wanted to interact more in the growing organization. Learn more from each other by sharing cool stories. The plan for a tech summit ...

  • 21:37

    Three years ago a group of enthusiastic engineers gathered together during the Friday drinks. They wanted to interact more in the growing organization. Learn more from each other by sharing cool stories. The plan for a tech summit w ...

  • 35:55

    In this episode, we touch upon a cultural aspect of Tech within, Cultural Diversity. Over the last couple of years, our international community especially in IT in grew from 5 in 2014 to 120 in 2019 out of a total of 450 peo ...

  • 34:07

    In this episode, we talk about Axle. Axle is our internal framework for building Java-based applications. Well actually as you will learn in this episode it is not a framework. It is an opinionated approach to building Java applications lik ...

  • 35:52

    In this episode we dive into the world were e-commerce becomes physical. We talk about the Fulfilment Center (BFC). Within these centres, we have several challenges and one of these challenges has to do with the picking algorithm. T ...

  • 32:32

    In this episode we talk about GO. Go is not a language that is used the most at That’s is Java, together with Kotlin. In 2014 it was introduced for the first time and reached a steady but not so big user group. Recently, along with ...

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