Techlab podcast Techlab

In this podcast we share our experience with you to learn and entertain. Showing you our approach to IT, e-commerce and retail tech platforms. We are looking into the things that we’re enthusiastic about that are happening here at As always, we have a bunch of ideas to share… This is how we do IT! Topics in the episodes vary from: - tech oriented, for instance the introduction of new programming languages - business-tech oriented, for instance the way we apply data science in retail challenges - way of working in tech, cultural aspects and agility

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 6-12-2019 22:14:51
  • Maker: Techlab
  • Taal: en_US
  • Laatste RSS update: 5-5-2022 13:51:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 1-5-2019 08:21:52
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 4-4-2022 16:01:35


83 Afleveringen

  • 40:02

    In this episode of the podcast, we talk about API development for the retail platform. A very important subject for a retail platform like Given that we are a platform we have a lot of partners to interact with. To do that in a nea ...

  • 33:08

    We think “the Cloud” is to broad a subject to handle in one episode of the podcast. That is why we break down our cloud journey in small pieces and go over them in separate episodes. This time we dive into “Redesign for the cloud – horizont ...

  • 33:34

    In this podcast, we talk with two of our coaches in tech about making an impact on the performance of teams and people. The reference they use to do this is called Human System Engineering. In we have different types of coaches with ...

  • 33:55

    The big question in this episode is “How can we create 10 million personalized webshops? Tailormade for every one of our customers so it suites their needs best?” In short, the answering is Measuring 2.0. This enables us to measure more acc ...

  • 39:44

    In this episode of the podcast, we talk about accelerating organisations. We invited Jurriaan Kamer and Rini van Solingen to our studio. They recently launched their book – Formule X – Hoe zorg je voor extreme versnelling in je organisatie ...

  • 37:43

    Where do we learn most in our lives? When things that we do succeed, or when we do stuff and they don’t turn out how we expected? They “fail”. Exactly, we can learn a lot from our failures. How does this relate to Tech? Or, to be more preci ...

  • 35:26

    Testing in autonomous teams – speed is everything The role of testers has evolved in the last decade. Test automation has become the norm. So, testers have grown more towards developers. What are the skills they need to succeed? With the ri ...

  • 34:35

    Cloud as Enabler to become more data-driven. The adjective data-driven means that progress in an activity is compelled by data, rather than by intuition, personal experience or a gut feeling. Googling data-driven gives you over 637 mln. res ...

  • 30:59

    ‘OK Google…..’ – the future of voice is here. Everybody with a Google Assistant on their phone or with Google Speakers installed uses this command more and more. It’s even used by radio DJ’s to make fun and just shout out commands to see wh ...

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