?? Can gaming be the gateway for women into the tech world? You can discover the answer to this question by embarking on Lizzy Wilmer's personal journey. Tune in to hear from Lizzy: ??? How the AR and VR training that she helps to design, helps companies optimize their businesses and reduce incidents. ????? Why having role models like Lizzy on the team gives her employer a competitive advantage in hiring other women. ?? What schools and companies need to do to make tech a more welcoming place. Plus, get the scoop on the unique crime scene investigation that Lizzy was part of. Check the show notes for more information about this episode, including Lizzy's bio and links to related content.
Gemaakt door: Dirkjan Hupkes Eerste aflevering: 09-10-2022
De podcast Women Disrupting Tech heeft in totaal 77 afleveringen
Maker: Dirkjan Hupkes Datum: 16-05-2024
Maker: Dirkjan Hupkes Datum: 30-05-2024
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