As Aristotle pointed out as far back as the 4th century BCE, in his treatise “On Prophesying in Dreams,” perhaps it is merely because so many believe their dreams to ‘possess a special significance’ that we are minded to give them that significance. Yet in 1966, even a credible academic was given pause for thought when a series of peculiar occurrences, emerging in the wake of a horrifying tragedy, led him to believe in the possibility of precognitive dreams... Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening. See for privacy information.
Gemaakt door: Richard MacLean Smith Eerste aflevering: 01-03-2020
De podcast Unexplained heeft in totaal 272 afleveringen
Maker: Richard MacLean Smith Datum: 24-05-2019
Maker: Richard MacLean Smith Datum: 07-06-2019
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