The World After: Where is the Money? The big bang of corona has changed the world, and it will never be the same. A new decade on the timeline, a different DNA. The Lady in Blu shows her vision on various topics and explains how society is going to change. Through her expertise and understanding of the future she shows what strategies there are to take, in order to be profitable in the new world. What concepts and products will hit the market in the future? The Lady in Blu will predict them for you. For more information, see @theladyinblu on instagram and Podcast tune: creative director @theladyinblu, music and production by @rensottink and vocals by @margrietplanting.
Gemaakt door: The Lady in Blu Eerste aflevering: 04-09-2022
De podcast The Lady in Blu heeft in totaal 21 afleveringen
Maker: The Lady in Blu Datum: 15-04-2021
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