What is it that makes Cù Bòcan so special? This whisky is only produced for a few days each year! Scott Adamson, brand ambassador of this delicious whisky, tells us all about the Tomatin distillery, the idea behind this unique whisky and the detailed aspects of the distillation process itself! This delightful episode, satisfying for both beginning and advanced whisky enthusiast, leaves you longing for more. Scott's enthusiasm is contagious and neither Max nor Lucia can wait to see - and taste - more of Cù Bòcan!
Gemaakt door: Max Foxen Eerste aflevering: 16-10-2022
De podcast The Elements Of Whisky heeft in totaal 156 afleveringen
Maker: Max Foxen Datum: 09-03-2022
Maker: Max Foxen Datum: 16-03-2022
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