Wall: History Sluiswijk and the biscuit factory House: Paralleweg 49 Wall on Averlostraat Artist: Peter Kortleve (Deventer) - shortlife.nlwww.instagram.com/shortlife/ This mural’s story: Sluiswijk is not named after a lock, but after Biscuit Factory Sluis, and it’s a great story everyone should know, which is why street artist Shortlife guides you through the history of this place, using his illustrative style to revive the old biscuit factory. Based on old camera footage, he brings typical factory elements back into the streetscape such as: the large chimney with the company name, the sloping factory roofs, and the name that used to appear in large letters on the roof. In the spirit of yesteryear, a female factory employee smiles at you, with a biscuit in her hand, as the treats are being distributed across the country with the Sluis transport truck. The eagle was watching and saw that it was good. Find all the cookies in all the murals in Sluiswijk! More info about "Muren & Buren" (Walls & Neighbours): www.streetartstreets.nl Making of video of all murals: https://youtu.be/F_s7u9_qph4
Gemaakt door: Street Art Streets Eerste aflevering: 29-12-2024
De podcast Street Art Streets in Deventer heeft in totaal 44 afleveringen
Maker: Street Art Streets Datum: 30-01-2023
Maker: Street Art Streets Datum: 06-02-2023
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