‘Buddhism is not only about rituals and meditation,’ says the well-known scholar and Buddhist teacher Stephen Batchelor. According to him, Buddhism is primarily about developing an ethical perspective on the world to overcome human problems ...
[English below] Welkom op het podcastkanaal van Radboud Reflects. Hier vind je de podcasts van bijna al onze verdiepende lezingen over filosofie, religie, ethiek, samenleving en cultuur. Een of twee dagen na de lezing staat de podcast voor je klaar. Abonneer je en mis niks. Scherp je mening in gesprek met toonaangevende wetenschappers en laat je inspireren door baanbrekende internationale denkers. Radboud Reflects: stof tot nadenken. ENGLISH Radboud Reflects invites you to think further. Beyond the issues of the day. With lectures, films and debates we make science accessible to a large audience, offline as well as online. Our programs offer an innovative and in-depth look at issues that matter in science, in society and in the current events of today. Here you will find the podcasts of our lectures. Subscribe and don't miss a Radboud Reflects podcast. We offer a stimulating stage to analyze complex issues from a philosophical, ethical or religious perspective. Sharpen your opinion in a conversation with leading scientists and get inspired by groundbreaking international thinkers. Radboud Reflects: something to think about!
‘Buddhism is not only about rituals and meditation,’ says the well-known scholar and Buddhist teacher Stephen Batchelor. According to him, Buddhism is primarily about developing an ethical perspective on the world to overcome human problems ...
Would you choose anything but to go green? It is hard to find an organization that doesn’t think sustainability is of the utmost importance. Consumers choose the sustainable option more and more as well. But is that profitable for us? Does ...
Is the economy only about money? Not any longer! The American economist Kate Raworth introduced Doughnut Economics. With this simple system she gave both people and the planet a place in economics. Come learn how Kate Raworth’s framework me ...
We should break the taboo and discuss population growth if we want to do something about famines or climate change, according to the influential Australian moral philosopher Peter Singer. These discussions should extend to considering what ...
On Tuesday 12 June Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump will meet. The first summit ever between the political leaders of two countries that seemed to be sworn enemies. What brings North-Korea and America together? What is at stake and what can we ...
Econoom Albert de Vaal begrijpt niet waar Trump mee bezig is, maar is tegelijk niet verrast: economische rationaliteit is maar één aspect van internationaal beleid, en Trump lijkt ten koste van alles vooral te willen winnen. Hij gaat in ges ...
Hoe moet je je als wetenschapper opstellen in een samenleving die je bevindingen het ene moment omarmt en het andere moment wegzet als nepnieuws? Moet je als wetenschapper afzijdig blijven of moet je juist zorgdragen dat je onderzoek de ben ...
African Americans in New Orleans were the ones hardest hit by hurricane Katrina. The increase in health care costs (do you mean related to Katrina?) is most borne by those people that have the least to spend. Some groups are more vulnerable ...
Hoe kan het dat studenten van de Radboud Universiteit, in de bloei van hun leven, zich eenzaam voelen? Wat schuilt er achter dit gevoel van eenzaamheid? En moeten we ons zorgen maken? Kom luisteren hoe gezondheidswetenschapper Maaike Verhag ...
Hoe kan het dat er wel een zelflerende, superintelligente schaakcomputer is, maar geen digitale relatiecoach die de vraag ‘weet je wel zeker of je echt van hem/haar houdt’ voor je kan beantwoorden? De context waarbinnen artificiële intellig ...
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