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Radboud Reflects: stof tot nadenken.
Radboud Reflects invites you to think further. Beyond the issues of the day.
With lectures, films and debates we make science accessible to a large audience, offline as well as online. Our programs offer an innovative and in-depth look at issues that matter in science, in society and in the current events of today.
Here you will find the podcasts of our lectures. Subscribe and don't miss a Radboud Reflects podcast.
We offer a stimulating stage to analyze complex issues from a philosophical, ethical or religious perspective. Sharpen your opinion in a conversation with leading scientists and get inspired by groundbreaking international thinkers. Radboud Reflects: something to think about!
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been described as a manifest violation of international law. The term ‘war crimes’ is being used to describe the extreme violence afflicted onto civilian targets by the Russian military forces. Russia has ...
Wat doe je in een situatie die je niet hebt opgezocht en die geen voor de hand liggende oplossing kent? Of het nu in het klein is of in het groot, ieder mens komt vroeg of laat voor dit vraagstuk te staan. Hoe vind je een weg te midden van ...
Power is a word that has a bad reputation. Many associate it with unfairness, oppression and manipulation. Is this reputation of power fair? If we understand how power works, we can also use it to make the world a better place states organi ...
Wie was de beroemde Britse filosoof en theoloog Jonathan Sacks (1948-2020)? Wereldwijd wordt Sacks beschouwd als een religieus leider en een morele stem voor onze tijd. Zijn omvangrijke werk wordt gekenmerkt door de helderheid waarmee hij e ...
The war in Ukraine holds the world in its grip. Russian missiles are hitting West-Ukraine, close to the EU-borders. Meanwhile, the European Union is imposing sanction after sanction against Russia and is even sending weapons to Ukraine. How ...
Titus Brandsma, de voormalige hoogleraar Filosofie van de Radboud Universiteit, wordt heilig verklaard. Wie was Titus Brandsma? Waarom wordt hij heilig verklaard? En wat is een heiligverklaring precies? Kom luisteren naar theoloog Inigo Boc ...
Nederlands volgt Engels.
We strive for control. We think we will be happier if we have control over all aspects of life, but the contrary is true. A controlled world, says German sociologist Hartmut Rosa, is a dead world. Fear, depress ...
Wednesday 23 February 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine. How could this happen? And how will this situation evolve? Listen to political scientist Bertjan Verbeek, historian Paul van Reef and philosopher Evert van der Zweerde who will reflect on t ...
People’s decisions are constantly influenced by noise: the mood they are in, the time of day, whether they are hungry, the season or the temperature. What does this mean for the value of our judgements? How can we avoid the influence of ...
‘Nederland heeft tijdens de Indonesische Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog structureel excessief geweld gebruikt. Politiek Den Haag keek weg’. Dit is de conclusie van het recent verschenen NIOD-rapport over de dekolonisatieoorlog in Indonesië. Wat i ...
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