Previously on Soft Valkyrie. Wotan confessed the end of his backstory to Brunhilde, and passed on to her the bad news that she must not help Siegmund. Rather she must lead him to his death. Wotan left, leaving Brunhilde alone, whence she took her horse bridle and went off in search of Siegmund. Siegmund is exhausted and Sieglinde is asleep. Perhaps they’ve finally realized the gravity of their situation, the incestuous afterglow no longer hints at glory, but something wicked to come.. Now Brunnhilde has arrived. To find out what happens, you’ll have to tune in next time, to Soft Valkyrie
Gemaakt door: Nationale Opera & Ballet Eerste aflevering: 17-04-2022
De podcast Nationale Opera & Ballet heeft in totaal 78 afleveringen
Maker: Nationale Opera & Ballet Datum: 16-06-2022
Maker: Nationale Opera & Ballet Datum: 16-06-2022
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