Previously on Soft Valkyrie. Wotan began to describe his backstory to Brunhilde. We learn of Alberich’s theft of the Rhinegold, of the laborer Fafner’s departure with the gold in the form of a dragon, and of Wotan’s desire to kill him which is impeded by his contractual obligation. Brunhilde is deeply torn between law and family loyalty. She believes herself to know best her father’s will, which is opposed to his voiced concession to Fricka. And yet, that’s not what he said. She is flustered. Now, off she goes in search of Siegmund, her half brother. What have he and his sister been up to since we last saw them? To find out, you’ll have to tune in next time, to Soft Valkyrie.
Gemaakt door: Nationale Opera & Ballet Eerste aflevering: 17-04-2022
De podcast Nationale Opera & Ballet heeft in totaal 78 afleveringen
Maker: Nationale Opera & Ballet Datum: 16-06-2022
Maker: Nationale Opera & Ballet Datum: 16-06-2022
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