"Otrium is a fast-growing Dutch tech/fashion scale-up. Otrium's mission is that 'all clothing should be worn'. To grow as a brand and work towards fulfilling its mission, it is essential for Otrium to understand who their customers are, what they want and why they shop at Otrium. Sophie Kromhof, head of user engagement at Otrium, and Jeroen Hermans, senior research consultant at Ruigrok NetPanel, explain how understanding the drivers and needs of customers contributes to optimizing the marketing strategy. They show practical examples such as improvements to the customer journey, communication and marketing campaigns."
Gemaakt door: MIE Eerste aflevering: 17-10-2022
De podcast MIE '22 - Podcast heeft in totaal 11 afleveringen
Maker: MIE Datum: 10-10-2022
Maker: MIE Datum: 10-10-2022
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