Today I am joined by Freemza, from the Gold Coast, Australia. We’ve known each other for many years. Freezma is an entrepreneur, he is project leader of GYMBRO’s, a big NFT project and he is an online fitness coach. We chat about the following topics and more How he got started as an entrepreneur by finding a gap in the market Why he started anabolic steroids at some point and why he decided to quit again How he has stayed persistent and dedicated with his social media and business over the years, even when it wasn’t paying off How he got his first clients for his online coaching business Why doing many things at the same time is not necessarily smart for business We talk about the blockchain NFT’s and the future of the world Ben jij een Online Fitness Coach of heb je de ambitie om hier iets mee te doen? Start met mijn Social Media PT Cursus om meer klanten binnen te krijgen via social media (ook al heb je weinig volgers):
Gemaakt door: maximalepotentie Eerste aflevering: 15-05-2022
De podcast Maximale Potentie heeft in totaal 22 afleveringen
Maker: maximalepotentie Datum: 28-02-2022
Maker: maximalepotentie Datum: 14-03-2022
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