In deze aflevering bespreken we drie vormen van geavanceerde hemodynamische monitoring. De Swan Ganz, de PiCCO en de Flotrac/Vigileo. We bespreken onder andere de voordelen, de nadelen, de indicaties en de verschillen tussen deze systemen. Er komen weer veel mythes en dogma's aan bod en we duiken de pathofysiologie in. Veel plezier met luisteren! Bronnen: - Deranged Physiology - PiCCO - Life in the Fast Lane - PiCCO - Eddy Joe MD - Cardiogenic Shock & Swan Ganz - Deranged Physiology - Utility of CVP monitoring - Systematic review of uncalibrated arterial pressure waveform analysis to determine cardiac output and stroke volume variation - Pulse Wave Analysis to Estimate Cardiac Output - Performance of a minimally invasive uncalibrated cardiac output monitoring system (Flotrac/Vigileo) in haemodynamically unstable patients - Minimally invasive measurement of cardiac output during surgery and critical care: a meta-analysis of accuracy and precision - Pulmonary artery catheters for adult patients in intensive care - Prognostic implications of pulmonary artery catheter monitoring in patients with cardiogenic shock: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies - Dynamic changes in arterial waveform derived variables and fluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated patients: a systematic review of the literature - Does the Central Venous Pressure Predict Fluid Responsiveness? An Updated Meta-Analysis and a Plea for Some Common Sense - Central venous pressure: A useful but not so simple measurement Bij vragen: @intensiefdepodcast (instagram)
Gemaakt door: Nathan Worms Eerste aflevering: 05-06-2022
De podcast Intensief de Podcast heeft in totaal 32 afleveringen
Maker: Nathan Worms Datum: 08-03-2023
Maker: Nathan Worms Datum: 03-05-2023
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