The performance of asset classes this year highlight a world of pain. One of the few positive exceptions are Commodity Trading Advisor strategies, whereby a professional manager systematically trades a diversified portfolio of futures contracts. They are often called crisis alpha generators, because they traditionally have performed well when markets have done very poorly. Can CTAs provide the all-weather solution for uncertain market conditions? That’s what Marije Groen discusses with Alexis Grutter in this podcast. Alexis is fund manager of the Echiquier QME strategy of La Financière de l'Echiquier.
Gemaakt door: Fondsnieuws Eerste aflevering: 23-03-2020
De podcast Fondsnieuws heeft in totaal 272 afleveringen
Maker: Fondsnieuws Datum: 14-11-2022
Maker: Fondsnieuws Datum: 18-11-2022
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