Aflevering Blind Spots & How A Coach Can Help You See Them

· Aflevering van de podcast: Els Van Laecke -Breakthrough Podcast

Every one of us has blind spots, these parts of us that only someone of external can notice and give you feed forward on. Great coaches can easily see this as they are trained to observe and see patterns repeating themselves. They can then coach you through them to help you to a more free life.

Els Van Laecke -Breakthrough Podcast

Els Van Laecke -Breakthrough Podcast

Gemaakt door: Els Van Laecke Eerste aflevering: 25-09-2022

De podcast Els Van Laecke -Breakthrough Podcast heeft in totaal 351 afleveringen

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Blind Spots & How A Coach Can Help You See Them

Els Van Laecke -Breakthrough Podcast · 29-02-2024

00:00 00:13:05