Techlab podcast Techlab

In this podcast we share our experience with you to learn and entertain. Showing you our approach to IT, e-commerce and retail tech platforms. We are looking into the things that we’re enthusiastic about that are happening here at As always, we have a bunch of ideas to share… This is how we do IT! Topics in the episodes vary from: - tech oriented, for instance the introduction of new programming languages - business-tech oriented, for instance the way we apply data science in retail challenges - way of working in tech, cultural aspects and agility

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 6-12-2019 22:14:51
  • Maker: Techlab
  • Taal: en_US
  • Laatste RSS update: 5-5-2022 13:51:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 1-5-2019 08:21:52
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 4-4-2022 16:01:35


83 Afleveringen

  • 34:53

    Chaos engineering… mostly in IT we are focused on structure and order. So, what is it and what can it bring? We go over the steps: Start by defining ‘steady state’ as some measurable output of a system that indicates normal behaviour Hypoth ...

  • 36:44

    Like the Romans already said: Mens sana in corpore sano. A healthy mind in a healthy body. One sentence in  an article from one of our colleagues triggered us: “Prepare for the unknown and unknowable”. We  really wondered, how does this hel ...

  • 32:55

    We take a sneak peek into the Utrecht JAVA User Group  (JUG) Meetup next week, February 24th. Topics will be: are End-to-End test architectures a Dead End road? And there will be some live hacking: Breaking into your Java web app. This will ...

  • 37:45

    With only a few weeks to go to our peak season, we wanted to ensure that the chat app on our webshop was performing up to par. An important part of our customers’ questions is answered via this chat app. You can feel the importance of it to ...

  • 37:23

    This episode has 2 subjects: PostgreSQL migration and performance. The two guests of our show will present during the PostgreSQL User group meetup at which started shortly after this recording. The topic of the meetup is introduced ...

  • 35:40

    The two guests of our show work in our experimentation team. They set a target at the beginning of 2019: Our goal is to help hundreds of people at to run experiments (more effectively). So after a year of experimenting, we are very ...

  • 29:50

    It was briefly mentioned in our episode on Advent of Code. We also started an internal Coding Championship. Spaces Championship. Let’s dive into this and find out what it is all about.  From our personal experience, we know that is easier t ...

  • 32:00

    In this episode, we talk to Marieke and Tadeusz since we were intrigued by the title of their meetup presentation: Everybody is a UX Researcher. Since we didn’t consider ourselves a UX Researcher before we wanted to know more about the subj ...

  • 34:06

    A group of Kotlin enthusiast joined KotlinConf back in December last year in Copenhagen. We invited this group to share their learnings for this conference. Two of the participants are sharing their takeaways from KotlinConf with you. Our f ...

  • 26:45

    Advent of Code 2019


    The subject of this podcast episode is totally in line with the holiday season. Time for the advent calendars in many different formats. One of these formats is the Advent of Code 2019!   The Tech Community is participating in this ...

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