Techlab podcast Techlab

In this podcast we share our experience with you to learn and entertain. Showing you our approach to IT, e-commerce and retail tech platforms. We are looking into the things that we’re enthusiastic about that are happening here at As always, we have a bunch of ideas to share… This is how we do IT! Topics in the episodes vary from: - tech oriented, for instance the introduction of new programming languages - business-tech oriented, for instance the way we apply data science in retail challenges - way of working in tech, cultural aspects and agility

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 6-12-2019 22:14:51
  • Maker: Techlab
  • Taal: en_US
  • Laatste RSS update: 5-5-2022 13:51:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 1-5-2019 08:21:52
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 4-4-2022 16:01:35


83 Afleveringen

  • 40:04

    Innovation Rythm


    Ever since we recorded the podcast about Agile @ Scale, we wanted some of the people involved again in our show. We care about the topic. Think there is a lot to tell and learn. And it is of interest to a lot of our listeners. That is why a ...

  • 38:08

    Almost a year ago we spoke to Jim van der Waal, a former colleague and now working as a Product Manager at OneFootball. Back then he had just delivered his presentation: “Scary close to autonomous teams” during the Spaces Summit 2019. Recen ...

  • 41:54

    In this episode, we are exploring a topic that is definitely work-related but not that tech-related: Dealing with stress in the tech sector. At we have at least twice a year an employee engagement survey. Some of the questions are a ...

  • 47:09

    The topic of this show is exactly why we like to be the hosts of this podcast. We learn a lot about all areas in our business. In this show, we dive into the marketing domain. We will learn about models like multi-touch, lift studies, time ...

  • 44:45

    Turning to business analytics this episode, we discover it’s a broad field. Business Intelligence hasn’t been discussed that much yet in our podcast. So, we are excited to learn more. In an earlier episode, we discussed moving our Big Data ...

  • 40:30

    Let’s look at another programming language we use at Python. At we use Python for Tools, Data Science and more. It has been around since 1991. It was created by a Dutch guy: Guido van Rossum. Its design philosophy emphasize ...

  • 33:41

    Covid-19 rules the world, so it determines the subjects for our podcast. Just like others, we moved from studio recording to home recording. Basically working from home (WFH) and adapting our way of working. So we think it’s time to spent t ...

  • 29:35

    Covid-19 rules the world, so it determines the subjects for our podcast. Just like others, we moved from studio recording to home recording. Basically working from home (WFH). So we think it’s time to spent three smaller episodes on this su ...

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