Aflevering 3. The Moon Can Heal You, Here's How

· Aflevering van de podcast: Astro Goddess Podcast

Today we will talk about my favourite planet ever: Mama Moon. She has healing powers and I will tell you all about my journey with here. What got me so fascinated and what are some ways to work with her? I'd love to connect after you've listened to this episode:

Astro Goddess Podcast

Astro Goddess Podcast

Gemaakt door: josieboog Eerste aflevering: 08-01-2020

De podcast Astro Goddess Podcast heeft in totaal 37 afleveringen

Vorige aflevering

2. Your body wants you to heal your trauma

2. Your body wants you to heal your trauma

Maker: josieboog Datum: 05-07-2023

Volgende aflevering

4. Letting go of people you love is a practice

4. Letting go of people you love is a practice

Maker: josieboog Datum: 19-07-2023

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3. The Moon can heal you, here's how

Astro Goddess Podcast · 12-07-2023

00:00 00:18:41