Aflevering 2. Your Body Wants You To Heal Your Trauma

· Aflevering van de podcast: Astro Goddess Podcast

In this episode I'll give my take on healing the body and it's connection to trauma. We are storing our trauma and by doing so, we are witholding ourselves from living a free and healthy life. You can eat all the healthy foods and do all the cold plunges you want - if you are running away from your deepest pain, you will never truly heal. If you found this episode to be valuable, please connect with me on Instagram because I would love to hear your story: http:/

Astro Goddess Podcast

Astro Goddess Podcast

Gemaakt door: josieboog Eerste aflevering: 08-01-2020

De podcast Astro Goddess Podcast heeft in totaal 37 afleveringen

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3. The Moon can heal you, here's how

3. The Moon can heal you, here's how

Maker: josieboog Datum: 12-07-2023

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2. Your body wants you to heal your trauma

Astro Goddess Podcast · 05-07-2023

00:00 00:23:11