Aflevering 54. What Is Money Laundering? The Dutch Approach - Sophie De Ridder (And Ai)

· Aflevering van de podcast: AMLC podcast

Previously the Dutch AMLC ( made the Dutch podcast 'wat is witwassen?'. It is one of the most listened to podcast we made. Every now and then we get questions from our foreign colleagues about the way we combat money laundering in the Netherlands. So, we decided to publish an English version of the podcast we created earlier. This English podcast is completely created (including the opening tune) using artificial intelligence; for translation, narration and even for composing the opening tune. Usefull tools for this purpose, in our opinion. Fully legitimate also. Disclaimer: some Dutch legal terms may not have the exact same English legal meaning, but we are convinced listeners will understand what is meant and will find it clarifying.

AMLC podcast

AMLC podcast

Gemaakt door: AMLC Podcast Eerste aflevering: 25-03-2022

De podcast AMLC podcast heeft in totaal 78 afleveringen

Vorige aflevering

53. Cryptobetaalkaarten - Niels van der Meulen

53. Cryptobetaalkaarten - Niels van der Meulen

Maker: AMLC Podcast Datum: 29-02-2024

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55. De Trustcom casus - Lukas Kotkamp (FTM)

55. De Trustcom casus - Lukas Kotkamp (FTM)

Maker: AMLC Podcast Datum: 19-04-2024

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54. What is money laundering? The Dutch approach - Sophie de Ridder (and AI)

AMLC podcast · 08-03-2024

00:00 00:43:19