Aflevering 078s 108 - Sander Van H

· Aflevering van de podcast: 078 PODCASTS

Happy new year everybody! 078podcasts starts 2025 with a brand new online mix. It's guest DJ Sander van H providing 078 PODCASTS 108. This mix makes you want to book a ticket to Ibiza and party all week long. Very powerfull tracks and mixed uplifting to get into the right mood! We didn't expect something else as we know Sander already as guest DJ at Wantijlive and his contribution for #091. We are very glad he's back again in the 078podcasts mix series... ENJOY!



Gemaakt door: Eerste aflevering: 19-06-2022

De podcast 078 PODCASTS heeft in totaal 166 afleveringen

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078 PODCASTS 108 - Sander van H

078 PODCASTS · 10-01-2025

00:00 01:00:24