Aflevering 078s 107 - Jorn & Timmy

· Aflevering van de podcast: 078 PODCASTS

On this first Friday of December we welcome a brand new DJ mix. Provided by upcoming guest DJ duo from Dordrecht: Jorn & Timmy. These guys @jornandtimmy fill the line-up of house events more and more. No wonder soon or late they crossing roads with @078podcasts. Their sound is very dance floor minded . As you can hear in the new 078 PODCASTS #107! Deep grooves, pounding beats en and fresh hihats all over! ENJOY!



Gemaakt door: Eerste aflevering: 19-06-2022

De podcast 078 PODCASTS heeft in totaal 165 afleveringen

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078 PODCASTS 107 - Jorn & Timmy

078 PODCASTS · 06-12-2024

00:00 01:01:26