In 1987, five elderly women passed away at a nursing home in Grand Rapids, MI. Gwen Graham and Cathy Wood both worked at this nursing home, and the pair had been in a brief relationship at the time. Months later, when Gwen broke up with Cathy and started seeing someone new, Cathy became angry and told her ex-husband that the five women did not die naturally, but that she and Gwen had smothered them as part of a lover’s pact that would bind them together for life. Shocked, he reported this to authorities, and two of the five bodies were exhumed. Despite there being zero signs of smothering, a medical examiner changed the manners of death from natural causes to homicide, and a seemingly made up story landed Gwen in prison for life. Maggie talks to Gwen Graham, Corina Hilton, Gwen's sister, and Elizabeth Cole, Gwen's attorney. To learn more and get involved, visit: Wrongful Conviction with Maggie Freleng is a production of Lava for Good™ Podcasts in association with Signal Co. No1. See for privacy information.
Gemaakt door: Lava for Good Podcasts Eerste aflevering: 01-03-2020
De podcast Wrongful Conviction Podcasts heeft in totaal 485 afleveringen
Maker: Lava for Good Podcasts Datum: 13-04-2023
Maker: Lava for Good Podcasts Datum: 20-04-2023
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