This is an updated episode that originally aired on September 21, 2021. On May 18th, 1998, Charlie Winbush told her fiancé, Julius Graves, that a man named Li Run Chen, who worked at a Chinese restaurant in the neighborhood had touched her inappropriately. Graves replied that he would scare him. Later that day, Julius Graves, his fiancée's cousin, and another younger friend had a few drinks with Graves and his friend Anthony Sims as they listened to music by Sims’ car. That same evening, Graves asked Sims to drive him to the restaurant where Chen worked and Sims agreed, unaware of any issue with Chen. They went into the restaurant when it is believed that Graves shot and killed Chen. In shock, Sims fled alone while Graves and the two younger men returned to his apartment, wiped the gun clean, figured out where to stash it, and began to conjure up a story to deflect blame from Graves and onto Sims. Consequently, investigators set their sights on Sims who was eventually sentenced to 25 years to life for the crime. Learn more and get involved at: Wrongful Conviction with Jason Flom is a production of Lava for Good™ Podcasts in association with Signal Co No1. See for privacy information.
Gemaakt door: Lava for Good Podcasts Eerste aflevering: 01-03-2020
De podcast Wrongful Conviction Podcasts heeft in totaal 485 afleveringen
Maker: Lava for Good Podcasts Datum: 13-02-2023
Maker: Lava for Good Podcasts Datum: 20-02-2023
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