After an evening out with friends in Holden, MO, high school sweethearts Bill and Patty Prewitt kissed their children goodnight and went to bed. Patty was soon awakened by a man trying to rape her. She ran to a neighbor’s house and called the police. When the police arrived, Bill was found dead in his bedroom from 2 gunshots to the head. The police quickly set their sights on Patty and neglected to lift a single fingerprint from the entire house. Nevertheless, after a trial riddled with sexism and questionable forensics, Patty was sentenced to life in prison where she has been for 36 years. Maggie speaks to Patty Prewitt at the Women’s Correctional Center in Missouri, Brian Reichart Esq., Patty’s attorney, and Jane Prewitt Watkins, Patty’s daughter. To learn more and get involved, visit: Wrongful Conviction with Maggie Freleng is a production of Lava for Good™ Podcasts in association with Signal Co. No1.
Gemaakt door: Lava for Good Podcasts Eerste aflevering: 01-03-2020
De podcast Wrongful Conviction Podcasts heeft in totaal 485 afleveringen
Maker: Lava for Good Podcasts Datum: 27-04-2022
Maker: Lava for Good Podcasts Datum: 05-05-2022
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