Join me on episode 49 of Women Disrupting Tech to learn about Arosha Brouwer's journey of building a company with grace and empathy. In a masterclass on personal and business growth, Arosha and I talk about - Her software's role in supporting both customers and her team through tough times. - A new partnership that taught her that entrepreneurship is also about building a network of people who can help you. - Being a founder and being a CEO of a scale-up come with totally different requirements. And she shares the genius move that helped her company survive a challenging funding situation. To learn more about Arosha, Quan, and the exciting new partnership she managed to close, visit the show notes.
Gemaakt door: Dirkjan Hupkes Eerste aflevering: 09-10-2022
De podcast Women Disrupting Tech heeft in totaal 77 afleveringen
Maker: Dirkjan Hupkes Datum: 28-03-2024
Maker: Dirkjan Hupkes Datum: 18-04-2024
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