In this #2 episode, Marianne, as the initiator of the ‘Raising Resilience’-podcast, tells us what preceded it. She talks about events in her own life that sparked her interest in the subject of ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences. From her motherhood, she became a breastfeeding volunteer and then a lactation con-sultant. Through all kinds of trainings, an increasing interest grew in both more socially oriented factors for health, as well as her wish to follow an academic studies after a childhood in which she was not able to. She did and that is how she became a medical anthropologist/sociologist. In that role, the subject of early childhood trauma got a place even closer to her heart and now the podcast is a fact! For the podcast, she will speak with professionals and experience experts who also have a passion for this subject and who would like to share their insights and wisdom about raising resilience with the listeners.
Gemaakt door: Marianne Vanderveen-Kolkena Eerste aflevering: 07-05-2023
De podcast Voed de veerkracht! heeft in totaal 13 afleveringen
Maker: Marianne Vanderveen-Kolkena Datum: 06-03-2023
Maker: Marianne Vanderveen-Kolkena Datum: 06-03-2023
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