Verhalen uit Museum Plantin-Moretus podcast

Verhalen uit Museum Plantin-Moretus

Het originele woonhuis en atelier van de uitgeversfamilie Plantin-Moretus biedt u een unieke historische ervaring. Het is dan ook Unesco-werelderfgoed. De geschiedenis van boek, drukkunst en ondernemingszin klinkt door in het krakend eikenhout. Hier vindt u de oudste drukpersen ter wereld, en nog veel meer ...

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 19-6-2022 01:42:57
  • Maker: Museum Plantin-Moretus
  • Taal: nl
  • Laatste RSS update: 15-3-2025 03:30:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 17-9-2020 16:25:35
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 22-3-2023 17:08:44


228 Afleveringen

  • 00:02:31

    In the bookshop, books, maps and atlases are available over the counter. Some books are banned and will be placed on the ‘index’. ...

  • 00:02:52

    After the text had been printed, a proof reading followed. The professor read the text, the proof reader read the text afterwards and made improvements where necessary.Concentration is required and distraction is out of the question. ...

  • 00:03:49

    During turbulant times Plantin printed a Catholic card and wrote a letter to the Spanish King Filip II. The Spanish scretary recieved the letter and informed the King. ...

  • 00:04:35

    Plantin was the publisher favoured by scientists and humanists. Similarly by Joost Lips, the humanist writer who often stayed with Plantin, and is better known as Justus Lipsius. ...

  • 00:02:44

    Plantin had 90 different typefaces, including trendy typefaces from France from the french designers Granjon en Garamond. One of these typesetters is here to present the room to you. ...

  • 00:03:18

    In the print room work both the font setters and the printers. If there were ever tensions between the staff, they could make a complaint. These complaints were all neatly recorded. ...

  • 00:03:11

    Balthasar I and the later generations of Moretus collected books. Thus arose the library, which also served for some time as a private chapel. But this space was, and is, primarily for books. ...

  • 00:02:44

    The printers workshop has exclusive typefaces and typeface-punches to match. At first the typefaces were outsourced. However, from 1622 there was a master type caster at work. ...

  • 00:03:58

    Balthasar I Moretus, the grandson of Christoffel Plantin, made the house a palace. On July 8th 1641, he took his last breath. ...

  • 00:03:17

    Maria Theresa Borrekens took leadership of the business after the death of her husband François-Jean Moretus. The luxury that can be seen in this lounge was to mask the pain of a mother. ...

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