Hall of fame Here in the Large Drawing-room, to the right of the fireplace, we can see the founder Christoffel Plantijn and his wife Jeanne Rivière. To the left of the fireplace hang portraits of their first descendants: their son-in-law Jan I Moretus and his wife Martina Plantijn. By the entrance we see the portrait of the third generation, Jan and Martina’s unmarried son Balthasar I Moretus.
Gemaakt door: Museum Plantin-Moretus Eerste aflevering: 19-06-2022
De podcast Verhalen uit Museum Plantin-Moretus heeft in totaal 228 afleveringen
Maker: Museum Plantin-Moretus Datum: 27-05-2021
Maker: Museum Plantin-Moretus Datum: 27-05-2021
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