The societal challenges in our days are numerous. From gender equality to food security and sustainability. These challenges are not simple A to B changes. It concerns a vast number of stakeholders, different views and the need for system changes. And it is these changes, that are the playground of our guest in this international version of Verandergasten. Marian Goodman is a Senior Faculty member of the Presencing Institute. This Institute spreads the knowledge and skills to use Otto Scharmer’s Theory U in necessary societal change. With what mindset does Marian start a new change process? And what does she do when the going gets tough? Proud to have Marian as our Verandergast!
Gemaakt door: SeederDeBoer Eerste aflevering: 24-04-2022
De podcast Verandergasten heeft in totaal 38 afleveringen
Maker: SeederDeBoer Datum: 07-05-2023
Maker: SeederDeBoer Datum: 04-06-2023
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