In the early hours of March 14th 1928, below deck of an ocean liner just off the coast of West Africa, former RAF pilot Colonel George Henderson reportedly experienced a 'crisis apparition' of his friend and fellow pilot, Captain Raymond Hinchcliffe saying he was lost and in great danger. What Henderson is said not to have known at the time, is that Hinchcliffe, and his co-pilot, Elsie Mackay were 3000 thousands miles away, high in the clouds, and fated never to be seen again... Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening. See for privacy information.
Gemaakt door: Richard MacLean Smith Eerste aflevering: 01-03-2020
De podcast Unexplained heeft in totaal 272 afleveringen
Maker: Richard MacLean Smith Datum: 15-11-2019
Maker: Richard MacLean Smith Datum: 29-11-2019
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