Aflevering 360 Degrees Trust

· Aflevering van de podcast: TrustTalk - It's all about Trust

Our guest today is Jan van der Spoel, the author of "360 Degrees Trust." His approach, known as the Trust Compass, can elevate ordinary relationships into high-trust ones. During our interview, Jan discusses his background in graphic design and how his fascination with human behaviour led him to explore the concept of trust. He also shares how he created his own tools to better understand the challenges of achieving a consensus on trust.   Jan then goes on to outline the top three things that organizations can do to foster team spirit through trust: intent, system, and power balance. He stresses that all three are critical in building a team that trusts one another. Furthermore, he explains that control is the antithesis of trust and details how organizations can transition from a culture of control to a culture of trust. Jan recommends providing employees with professional freedom and setting clear expectations instead of micromanaging them, as studies show that this approach can be more effective in motivating employees than having a task-based manager watching over their shoulders.

TrustTalk - It's all about Trust

TrustTalk - It's all about Trust

Gemaakt door: Severin de Wit Eerste aflevering: 10-03-2023

De podcast TrustTalk - It's all about Trust heeft in totaal 102 afleveringen

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Exploring Trust in Law: a multi-disciplinary perspective

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360 Degrees Trust

TrustTalk - It's all about Trust · 06-04-2023

00:00 00:17:21