Aflevering Trusted Digital Identity

· Aflevering van de podcast: TrustTalk - It's all about Trust

Jacoba Sieders is among the top experts on digital identity in Europe. In this second interview with her (the first one was published on April 18, episode 17) she talks about the three phases of how digital identity developed over time, about “federated identity”, one password to log in to different organizations. In a third stage, you upload your data and by doing so establish your own digital identity in your own digital wallet. The newest innovation, is “distributed identity”, that you as a user are the center of your own digital identity and not the organizations that need to trust you. It is called self-sovereign identity (SSI) with zero-knowledge proof, the idea that your claim (e.g. that you are over 18 and can buy alcohol or are entitled to drive) is right, without sharing all your personal data. She explains the necessary “triangle” of the digital wallet, the holder, issuer, and validator of personal data and talks about the ten requirements of proper identity management, among which is privacy and the “right to be forgotten”. She explains the attempt by the EU to create a single digital market by eIDAS, or electronic IDentification, Authentication, and trust Services), an EU regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European Single Market. Can we get rid of cookies, or passwords, altogether? Finally, she speaks about medical and other very private data in 2G apps fighting the coronavirus.

TrustTalk - It's all about Trust

TrustTalk - It's all about Trust

Gemaakt door: Severin de Wit Eerste aflevering: 10-03-2023

De podcast TrustTalk - It's all about Trust heeft in totaal 109 afleveringen

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Trusted Digital Identity

TrustTalk - It's all about Trust · 13-01-2022

00:00 00:30:15