Fortune favors the brave they say, so I crossed my fingers and invited Cory Allen (meditation teacher, host of the Astral Hustle podcast, musician and most of all a bearded genius with the most gentle and best laugh ever) to my own little podcast… I think I can say that worked out pretty well! I’m an insatiable nerd when it comes to these abstract and philosofical questionsjust (like my co-host for this occasion Michel Vos), so we just dove deep and explored our inner minds. You’ll learn about consiousness, free will, alien invasions and offcourse about his own journey and lessons learned along the way. I’m looking forward to his upcoming book “Now is the way” and I also have to invite him back since my unfortunately unstable wifi connection during the recording caused some technical problems. Let’s just say that’s a lesson in remaining zen and seeing this as an opportunity to continue our conversation in a couple of months.
Gemaakt door: Transformatie Podcast Eerste aflevering: 29-10-2019
De podcast Transformatie Podcast heeft in totaal 147 afleveringen
Maker: Transformatie Podcast Datum: 11-11-2017
Maker: Transformatie Podcast Datum: 23-11-2017
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