Aflevering #5 Why We Bow. With Alethia J Austin

· Aflevering van de podcast: The WAKU WAKE UP podcast

This 5th show is in English since my guest, who is a marketing specialist, a professional skydiver, a yoga teacher and energetically high vibrating human being Alethia J Austin is born in the States. How does she build and maintain her energy and how does she cultivate compassion? How can we approach our personal judgments in times of extreme polarization? What influence can plant-based foods and plant-medicines have on our wellbeing an on the wellbeing of others? Together we explore to what extent our mindset is defining our lives and why there is a thin line between embracing the dark and dwelling in it. Alethia's way of living and how she interacts with others is the perfect living example of how expanding our consciousness and level of compassion can lead to an extraordinary, happy and fulfilling live. 

The WAKU WAKE UP podcast

The WAKU WAKE UP podcast

Gemaakt door: Floris Beukers Eerste aflevering: 04-04-2022

De podcast The WAKU WAKE UP podcast heeft in totaal 20 afleveringen

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#6 Reflectie. met me, myself and I

#6 Reflectie. met me, myself and I

Maker: Floris Beukers Datum: 22-06-2021

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#5 Why we bow. with Alethia J Austin

The WAKU WAKE UP podcast · 16-06-2021

00:00 1:12:06