Apple launched the iPhone 16, Apple Watch Series 10, and AirPods 4 at its annual fall event in Cupertino. The devices come with some big upgrades — a new camera control on the iPhone, a new design on the Watch — but also a lot of promises about AI. Today on the show, we discuss everything that's new, everything that's missing, and all the reasons you might or might not want to upgrade your Apple gear this year. Further reading: iPhone 16 event live blog: all the news from Apple’s keynote iPhone 16 event: all the news from Apple’s keynote Apple announces the iPhone 16 with a faster processor and Camera Control button Apple announces the iPhone 16 Pro iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max hands-on: don't call it a shutter button Apple Watch Series 10 announced with bigger screen and thinner design The AirPods Pro 2 will soon double as hearing aids iOS 18 will launch next week with new ways to customize your homescreen Apple announces AirPods 4 with noise cancellation and better sound AirPods 4 hands-on: noise cancellation for people who hate ear tips Apple has a faster MagSafe charger to go with the new iPhone 16 phones Apple has a faster MagSafe charger to go with the new iPhone 16s It sure looks like FineWoven is dead Apple’s Visual Intelligence is a built-in take on Google Lens Beats’ new iPhone 16 cases work with the Camera Control button Email us at or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Gemaakt door: Vox Media Podcast Network Eerste aflevering: 01-03-2020
De podcast The Vergecast heeft in totaal 851 afleveringen
Maker: Vox Media Podcast Network Datum: 06-09-2024
Maker: Vox Media Podcast Network Datum: 13-09-2024
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