Emily McGovern is the cartoonist behind My Life As A Background Slytherin, a hilarious Harry Potter-inspired comic filled with fast paced jokes and silly flounces. Emily also published a literary parody called Bloodlust & Bonnets and has a second book, Twelve Percent Dread, coming out in June. Find out if McGovern ends up in the House of the Snake, what inspired her art style and where she'd go given the contents of Potter's Gringotts Vault. Liked this episode? Share your own experiences on Twitter #TheSortingHatRevisited, Facebook or Instagram, or rate the podcast on Apple Podcast.
Gemaakt door: Shalini Van den Langenbergh Eerste aflevering: 17-04-2022
De podcast The Sorting Hat Revisited heeft in totaal 51 afleveringen
Maker: Shalini Van den Langenbergh Datum: 22-05-2022
Maker: Shalini Van den Langenbergh Datum: 05-06-2022
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