Tarzan Kay specializes in writing emails that are fun to read and more addictive than whatever you just marathon-watched on Hulu. Her programs and DIY courses teach business owners how to write highly-addictive, story-driven emails that sell without using coercive sales tactics. She spent the last three years quietly dismantling her 7-figure boss-babe empire and building a more inclusive online business that prioritizes people over profits. She lives in Ontario, Canada with her two children and one canoe. In this episode of The Queencast, we explore the topic of inclusive copywriting and what that means in the age of social media, where every other business coach urges you to scale your business into infinity with high pressure sales tactics. How do you resist patriarchy in the way you do business, when you yourself hold (many) dominant identities - and what does that even mean: holding dominant identities? This episode will help you to become conscious of way you do business and is especially interesting if you've been increasingly frustrated with things like clickbait, lofty promises and manipulation in copywriting and sales. You can find Tarzan here: Website: https://tarzankay.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tarzan_kay/
Gemaakt door: Nienke Thurlings Eerste aflevering: 22-05-2022
De podcast The Queencast met Nienke Thurlings heeft in totaal 106 afleveringen
Maker: Nienke Thurlings Datum: 29-07-2023
Maker: Nienke Thurlings Datum: 19-08-2023
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