DemeteR In this very destructive time created by an unscrupulous elite parasite pushing for his failed totalitarian agenda and using lack of food as his last nasty weapon on a society reawakening to common sense. It's time to fight. In my eyes, salvation is the invincible energy of Demeter who controls the fertility of mother earth as the goddess of agriculture;. No farmers, no food, no food no life. So take our Mother Goddess Demeter into your prayer to share her strong invincible energy all over the world for the final battle. DemeteR mixed by OtreboR tracks 1 Liberte_(Hardcore_Freedom_Remix) Beatport 2 Adrenaline_(Original_Mix)Beatport 3 Perseverance_(Original_Mix) Beatport 4 Need_To_Feel_Loved_feat._Delline_Bass_(Matrix_Remix) Beatport --- Send in a voice message:
Gemaakt door: The Great Cosmic Show Eerste aflevering: 10-04-2022
De podcast The Great Cosmic Show heeft in totaal 126 afleveringen
Maker: The Great Cosmic Show Datum: 12-05-2023
Maker: The Great Cosmic Show Datum: 17-05-2024
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