On this episode, I am asking Thaddeus to share his thoughts about the question: How important am I actually? ‘How important am I actually?’ is the title of my (Annette de Graaf) 3rd book and I’m currently doing research about this topic by ...
Samen denken en leren over denken en leren.
On this episode, I am asking Thaddeus to share his thoughts about the question: How important am I actually? ‘How important am I actually?’ is the title of my (Annette de Graaf) 3rd book and I’m currently doing research about this topic by ...
Join Annette de Graaf, founder of Flow School Norway, as she reflects on her inspiring week at the HundrED Innovation Summit in Helsinki. From unplanned adventures through the city to thought-provoking discussions on education’s future, Ann ...
Wat een interessant onderwerp om over te denken en leren: wanneer doen mijn ideeën, mening, gedachten en gevoelens er nu wel en wanneer niet toe? Wanneer draagt het delen ervan toe aan een fijne(re) situatie en wanneer juist niet? Annette ...
In this episode, Annette de Graaf, founder of Flow School Norway, sits down with educational expert Fenesha Hubbard, author of The Equity Expression: Six Entry Points for Nonnegotiable Academic Success. Together, they explore how research-d ...
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I denne podcasten gir jeg deg et glimt av hva som er viktig for oss på Flow School og hvordan vi tror vi kan støtte elevene våre til å trives i livet. Flow School Norway åpner i Tysvær kommune (nord vest på siden av Haugesund) i august 202 ...
In this episode Annette de Graaf talks about the power of mindset choice, as well as about the power of kindness. She explains how these two are connected. Annette is a mother of 3, wife of 1, Mindset & Flow Coach, founder of Flow Lear ...
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Waarom is dankbaarheid voelen en tonen zo belangrijk als je een growth mindset wilt trainen? En wat kan reflecteren daaraan bijdragen? Hoe kun je eerste stappen maken om reflectie een dagelijkse of wekelijkse activiteit of zelfs gewoonte bi ...
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