Aflevering English: Dopie - “Ram” - Muren & Buren Deventer

· Aflevering van de podcast: Street Art Streets in Deventer

Story: Neighbourhood residents expressed interest in seeing an animal or zodiac sign on one of the walls. And what would be better than an impressive mural of a ram? The ram is the zodiac sign for courage, perseverance and ambition-an uncompromising animal that stands for challenge and adventure. It’s also the sign of the artist Dopie and one of the house’s residents. Everything has come together in this mural: The Zodiac Sign: RAM. The artwork adds a colourful touch to the colourful Sluiswijk neighbourhood and is a fitting ode to the soul of this neighbourhood. For the observant viewers: Dopie’s work alludes to a famous “whole grain biscuit”, can you spot the reference? The previously starkly white painted walls in this neighbourhood were an eyesore for local residents. Together with various local organisations, we planned these murals. Stories were collected from the neighbourhood residents, which were depicted on the walls by various artists. Each wall also hides a "Biscuit" as a reference to the "Sluis biscuit factory" that used to stand near this neighbourhood, and is now the namesake of this neighbourhood. Find all the cookies in all the murals in Sluiswijk! More info about "Muren & Buren" (Walls & Neighbours): ? Making of video of all murals: ?

Street Art Streets in Deventer

Street Art Streets in Deventer

Gemaakt door: Street Art Streets Eerste aflevering: 29-12-2024

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English: DOPIE - “RAM” - Muren & Buren Deventer

Street Art Streets in Deventer · 02-05-2023

00:00 00:00:50